Protecting your trademark is just as important as creating it. In fact, if you fail to defend and protect your trademark, you run the risk of losing it.

Well-designed and memorable trademarks are powerful brand builders. Sometimes, that makes them a target for infringement opportunities from your competition. It can be a touchy and contentious situation that is better left to James Bewley Law to deal with and negotiate, rather than dropping the hammer on your competitor.

Protecting Your Trademark

At James Bewley Law, we have years of experience in the legal marketing business, and we’ve dealt with dozens of trademark infringement situations. We have programs that scour Web and television markets to make sure your trademark is not being utilized without your permission.

We help protect your trademark by:

  • Conducting Extensive Internet Searches
    If any other firm or business uses your trademark in their Internet marketing, we can usually find them. Our monthly monitoring services are extensive and include searching for infringers in specific categories related to your business and the services you perform.
  • Monitoring Television Ads with AdScope™
    With AdScope™, we can find out if another firm or business infringes on your trademark in their television advertisements, whether they’re next door or 2,000 miles away. Depending on the dominance of your advertising efforts, that helps make sure millions of potential television viewers associate your trademark with your brand only.
  • Creating a Monthly Trademark Surveillance Report
    We send you a Trademark Surveillance Report that shows any instances of trademark infringement we found. Once we’ve identified infringers, we immediately begin implementing our trademark enforcement tactics.

Don’t let your competitors leverage your hard work and goodwill. At James Bewley Law, we do everything in our power to make sure your trademark is protected at all times. Get in touch with us today—we’re ready to take your trademark and legal advertising to the next level. Just dial (615) 296-1066 or fill out a free contact request form.